
Every good oenophile – amateur or professional – has a place or KingsBottle USA wine cooler at home to store wines and savor them at an opportune moment, right? But have you ever wondered if you are storing your wines the right way?

The care you have with your wine bottle can ensure the maintenance of your flavors and aroma for longer, allowing you to savor the perfect drink even a few months after your purchase. How about learning how to store wines at home the right way? We separate the main points of attention.


Each type of wine has a specific shelf-life

You know that story that the older your wine bottle, the tastier it will be? This is all a big legend for most labels. Not all grapes or types of wine respond very well to the action of time and as a result, it is important that manufacturers always suggest an expiration period so that the consumption of their drinks is made within the expected period, guaranteeing their quality.

White and rose wines, in most cases, are the least resistant to the action of time. The vast majority may not spend three years of useful life. Red wines, in turn, can last for about 10 years, but drinks made from young grapes must be consumed within the same timeframe as white wines. So, do not store wine and forget about your bottles for a long time!

Choose a comfortable place for your wine

Your wine bottle needs to be well-treated to last for a long time in your home – and that care with your quality also passes through the place where you will store it. Choose a corner of the house that is protected from sunlight or the focus of artificial lighting, such as very strong bulbs.